Saturday, September 10, 2011

4 Weeks Old With A Little Football

So, once again, I'm a day late on the weekly post.  Oh well!! 

But it is Saturday, and I've come to learn that Saturday's in the fall in South mean one thing - football.  I'm not the biggest football fan there ever was.  But I do like to pull for my Alma mater.  Most houses in Alabama are divided Auburn/Alabama and I've learned that most houses in Mississippi are divided MSU/Ole Miss.   Well, not in this household.  This is what you get when you uproot a girl and move across the state line.  I do have a love for all things MSU (dad and Pappaw), but I can't help but root for Auburn when they play MSU.  Nevertheless, Sid wanted all his girls (excluding me) to have MSU attire for this football seasons.  So, this morning, after the girls woke up, I bathed them and got them dressed.  Too bad they are currently snoozing away instead of enjoying a good football game! 

I took entirely too many pictures and there was no way to choose, so since I haven't put a picture on in a few days, here's some picture overload.  Ellie is in the pink and Elissa is in the white.  Both babies are still growing into their clothes!  Especially little bitty fiesty Ellie!! 

 And just for old time's sake, here's Big Sister Bailey in her first MSU attire and the same tiger.  She was about 10 months old.  

In other news, I feel like we are adjusting.  I feel like the past few days have resembled some sense of normalcy.  The worst part is still Bailey adjusting.  The babies and I are fine during the day and fine at night for the most part.  I still have to sometimes have a little bit of help from Sid from time to time in the middle of the night.  But Bailey just doesn't know what to do with herself when we are both tied up with a baby.  She also has first child syndrome and does not know how to go bed by herself.  Someone has to lay down with her, which is totally my fault, but her routine is something we've got to work on next.  I even cooked a little bit last week along with taking care of the babies.  We have them on a pretty good eating schedule I feel like.  We try to feed them at 10, 2, and 6, which means I'm just up once in the middle of the night and we are up before Sid goes to work and he can help me.  But, the problem is that at night, they can go a little longer than 4 hours and so it throws that 10 feeding at night back a few hours and that means I'm up twice if I go to bed before 10.  Just still something we've got to figure out.

I think Elissa has some reflux.  She has spit up a few times the past few days.  My friend Tiphanie from high school/work came to see us yesterday with her husband Kevin, which I was sooo proud to see them.  But anyway, we started talking about the reflux and she was holding Elissa and I made the comment that she acted hungry all the time even though I knew she wasn't.  Tiph pointed out that her daughter, Sophie, had reflux and that she did the same thing because they have a desire to suck or the acid makes them feel hungry, but they really aren't.  That's exactly what Elissa does.  I'm going to call the doctor on Monday about that.  Ellie is having some issues spitting a good bit while sucking.  I switched to the Dr. Brown bottles last night and that immediately helped Ellie with her problem.  I'm undecided if it's done anything for the spit up in Elissa yet.  But I can tell you that if it's not worth it, I won't use those bottles.  I think they are good bottles and have heard such good things about them, but they have 5 different parts to wash which means 10 different parts to wash per feeding for me.  So we'll see if they make the difference.  I feel like for Ellie they already have. 

I feel like my anxiety level has greatly reduced itself over the past week. I haven't been out of the house since Tuesday.  And the babies and I have just sort of hung out and tried to figure each other out during the day.  I really don't think I will go crazy anymore, but there was a time not too long ago, that I wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not.  I know that from the outside looking, twins appear to be the grandest thing in the world.  There is defiantly a different factor from outside people when it comes to having twins.  And I know our lives are doubly blessed by these babies and I wouldn't trade them for anything, not even sleep I don't think, but I'm going to write a book one day and it's going to contain REAL information about twins and bringing them home from the hospital.  I have several friends with twins and not one person bothered to tell me how I was going to feel.  So, you be on the look out for that book debut - maybe in 30 years. haha!!

It's almost halftime in the game.  Auburn is only up by 3.  But I'll end this post by saying Glory Glory to Ole Auburn!!!!  A-U-B-U-R-N!!!


MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

We used Dr. Brown's bottles at first, and then I continued to use them with B, but switched A (because of reflux) to Playtex Ventaire bottles. We also played around with different nipples / flow, and started adding a bit of rice cereal when the girls were 6 or 8 weeks old (I can't remember exactly) to help with the reflux, too.

And I did my best to give you a little insight on what it was like to bring home twins...but if I'd told you the real hard scoop, I don't think it would have been believable until you're there. HA! You're doing great, Mama...hang in there! :) :)

AbbyS. said...

We used Dr. Brown with C and plan to use them with the twins. C had lots of spit up and once he was on formula we switched to Sensitive formula with him and he did great. Again- love the updates! Trying to wrap my mind around it all. I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow and know it could happen ANY DAY!