Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can You Find The Baby Parts?

For some reason, even thought the video plays straight through in one piece, it always uploads in small 1 minute or so videos.  If you want to see the whole thing, I can post all of them.  But it's time consuming to watch them in that way.  So, even though it took close to 2 hours, I have just the parts that show the gender reveal.  It's sort of neat, but it's so hard to tell what's what if you don't know what you are looking at since there is more than one baby in there.  They are so close together too!  Anyway, here are the last 4 of the 9 parts.

And Mom, don't you dare try to tell me you see something different.  Do not stress me out!  You might be right, but I just can't think about it right now!

Be sure to read the post below this one if you didn't read it.  It tells you what you are actually looking at.  GENDER REVEAL!!! (in words)

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