Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Whole Year Later

Well, my friends, it has been one year to the date that our lives were forever changed for the first time last year.  Here's part of what I blogged about:

"I immediately saw lots of grey with 2 black spots.  I took a deep breath!  She moved the internal ultrasound thingy again.  I saw 2 blinking dots within each black spot.  Tears sprang to my eyes.  She says, "You do know there are 2?"  I yelled, "OH MY GOSH!"  Sid started crying.  AND LIFE HAS BEEN FOREVER CHANGED.

So, yes, we are expecting Baby A and Baby B, who are both termed "viable" and are due sometime at the end of September.  I missed the due date announcement.  Tomorrow, I am 8 weeks, (2 months) along.  Other than the hibernation I did for 3 straight days the next weekend and the total shock, denial, and sadness, I have felt wonderful.  I am in a better frame of mind, Sid seems to be excited, and I'm ok.  Honestly, at first, I was not.  I hate saying that.  But all I could think about was how we neither one wanted to have another one, much less two, I was so sick the first time, this has to be much worse, full term for twins is 36 weeks, the same time Bailey was born, where would we all sleep and how would we all eat, how could I have two babies at the same time and just pop right back to work and actually feel like working, how will we all get places, Sid just bought me my new 4-runner, I'm not giving it up, we'll go broke with 3 kids in daycare, poor Bailey will have such a shock, and just what in the world happened to that baby I was going to adopt!!!  Well, let me tell you, God has blessed us more than I could ever imagine.  I don't know how we will do it, but I do not that God would not have given us this opportunity and chosen us to bring 2 sweet humans in this world if he was not going to give us a way to provide for them.  Sure, lifestyles will have to change, but we'll be ok.  "

((You can read more from that post HERE. ))

Yes, it has been 1 year since we found out that we were expecting Baby A and Baby B!  Many, many, MANY emotions later, I cannot believe that we sit here  with not one, not two, but THREE beautiful daughters to call our very own.

  This past year has not been gone on without experiencing just about every feeling under the sun, good and bad, but we have also learned that we are extremely blessed.  Being a parent is hard, being a parent to more than one child is not for the weak at heart, being a MOM (or DOM) (Mom of Multiples) is something that I want even waste my time trying to describe by words. 

  I for one have learned a lot about myself, have learned a lot about being a mother,  have learned a lot about my husband and about being a wife, about who my true friends are and who will be there when the going gets tough and who is only there for the novelty of twins.

  I won't lie, bringing these twins home was something that  I thought  was eventually going to get the best of me.  There was a point in time, probably one night, deep in the wee hours of the morning, when I had been up for what seemed like all night with no rest in sight, that I honestly thought I would never be the same again (for the better).  But having two babies in the house, on top of our silly Bailey, started to make sense.  We started to fall into a routine and somewhere, somehow, rest happened.  And I realized that we were going to make it.  We would be normal again and life was going on.  

During the pregnancy, I tried to imagine what life was going to be like.  And we'd do things and I'd think about how doing whatever it was that we were doing wouldn't happen that way again, with two babies.  I'd think about me and Bailey and our time and how would we carry on.  Although it has been in a different way, we have carried on.  And I can't believe that a year's time has past since we've seen and heard those two tiny heart beats.  That those heart beats turned into two beautiful baby girls, Elissa Marie and Ellie Jane.  And that Elissa and Ellie have made us into people we never dreamed we could be.  I hope to tell you this time next year that we are back to normal, but I've learned that normal doesn't really exist and so we won't strive to get there!  

Here are a baby girls one year later!


And her big blue eyes!

I had the camera on a weird setting, but I thought this turned out pretty of her!

And little Miss Ellie!

And her blue eyes!

Haha! I couldn't resist this.  Those of you who know Ellie will appreciate "the look."

"Hey Mom, did you know it's supper time and bed time and we are DONE with you!"

And, on another note, if you are still reading- We took Elissa to her cardiologist appointment today and to her follow-up with Dr. Carron.  I bet we were stopped no less than 14 times with people telling us how pretty of a baby she was and asking about her.  I would say it was the whole twin thing that stops people, but we left Ellie at home today so it was simply just Elissa.  She had the best time talking to and watching people and she has a big day.  At the cardiologist, she had an EKG done and an ECHO.  The PDA she had at birth is still present, small, but there.  The PFO she had at birth has closed up.  We will take her back in a year and if the PDA is still present, Elissa will have a procedure, not surgery, but just procedure to close it up.  It is not causing her any problems right now and there is nothing we have to look for wait for.  I thought it was a pretty effcient place to have all that done right there in one place and get the results right there.  So, that was good news.  

Then we saw Dr. Carron, the ENT.  Elissa has officially been released from his care  -no more breathing problems for her.  She did a total turn around somewhere around Christmas and so we don't have to see him anymore unless something  flares up.  I can't tell ya'll  how excited I was with this n

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