Monday, February 2, 2009

6 Weeks

My sweet Bailey Girl is 6 weeks old today and can I believe it? Absolutely not. I just cannot imagine what life was like for me and Sid before she got here. That life seems like such a distant memory now. I made plans today to TENTATIVELY go back to work in 2 weeks, when she is 8 weeks old. My mom will come stay for a bit and then Sid's mom will take over so that I don't have to take her to daycare just yet. That is such a blessing. But I just get so sad that our time together, doing what we want to do, is almost over and we will go back to the real world. In some ways, I think it will be good because hopefully we will establish more of a routine than we have now, but on the other at home with my sweet Bailey Girl has just been beyond words.

And on the eve of her 6 week birthday, Bailey took about 6 ounces of formula with cereal. She has been getting cereal for about a week now, but eating it from a spoon. She loves it and she does so well with the spoon. But, she has been eating it at around 6 p.m. and then getting her bath. Then she'd get all wrapped up in her blanket and sit with Sid in his chair until she fell asleep around 9 p.m. She wouldn't wake up to eat again until around 1 a.m., which was nice but since I don't go to bed until 11 that wasn't helping me much on the sleep end. Well, last night she took a bottle around 5 so at 6 she wasn't ready for cereal just yet. I decided to try and hold off with the cereal as long as I could and she got her bath at around 7 p.m. I didn't want to feed her the cereal with the spoon after her bath because she gets sooo messy with it, so I decided to put it in her bottle and she chowed down. I even had to fix more. At about 9 p.m. she was out like a light and slept until 6 this morning. The bad part is she has not slept AT ALL today, but that's ok, I guess you can't have it both ways. And sleeping more at night than during the day is a start, because she has for sure had days and nights messed up. We'll see how tonight goes, but I probably just jinxed myself.

We had a good visit with the fam in Bama this weekend and at the baby shower. Sid got to go to Bass Pro and spent his gift certificates. It just kills me that we aren't closer. Erin is soooo good with Bailey and it just does my heart good to see them together since Erin was practially my life before we moved over here. And if we lived closer, Bailey and Andrew (Chris and Leslie's little boy that is due in a few weeks) would grow up together and be in the same class. I didn't grow up near any of my cousins so I think that would be neat. Leslie says she feels the same way about being so far away from her family, too, so I suppose that's just the way it is.

I don't have any new pictures to post but I do have some pictures of Bailey with her Mammaw and Pappaw and cousins Brady and Mason that I need to post soon. Baliey is really growing and she is doing so good!

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