Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I've Never Been Both

I've never been a Mom and a School Teacher. But tomorrow all that changes. Yes, that's right, tomorrow, after a year long hiatus, I'll be stepping in to the domain that will be known as my classroom for the next year, and hopefully years to come. Usually by now, in starting a new classroom I'd have already been there several days trying to get things together and get up to speed on the paperwork and learning the ropes. But with a new little one at home! School doesn't start for me until Aug. 3 and kids don't come til Aug. 6 so I'm still earlier enough to get things done. Just not so early that I dwell on things to come!

Speaking of being a mom and going back to work, Bailey hasn't been to daycare since last Tuesday because she has still had a that little hint of maybe a stomach virus. But Sunday and yesterday we seemed to be on the downhill back to normal in that area and so I sent her back this morning. Sid took her at 7:00 and I didn't call until 11:00 to check on her. The last few times I had called she was doing fine and I didn't want to bother anyone so I just told myself she was fine and carried on. I did text Sid to make sure she was ok when he left her and he said "yeah" back to me in a text. So, when I called the director answered the phone and said she almost had to call me. She said Bailey screamed and was mad for the first hour right after Sid left her and she had to take her outside to get her to even stop. So when Sid came home for lunch I told him about it and he said well she did sort of have a look on her face and maybe some tears in her eyes. I mean she wasn't crying, he said, she just wasn't smiling like she usually was! Geesh!!!! Now you tell me!!!! So she'll be going a few times between now and Aug 3rd for sure!

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